Monday, 1 November 2010
Thursday, 16 September 2010
Aberdeen Fashion Making Movements
For to long now, Aberdeen has been in the fashion doldrums but for no longer! We now how have our fashion society, headed by Stephanie O' Dowd and backed by the sensational Dazed And Confused magazine and HMV.
If you want to get involved (you should Dazed's involved) email:
Till next time x x x
Hook Up
Wednesday, 15 September 2010
Wednesday, 8 September 2010
London I Love You But You Fucked Me Up.

(Yeah I was very drunk, but, hey it's london.)
Summer, like all things, seems to better in retrospect. After spending the past three months, wondering where my money went in the first month, I seem to be a professional in dreaming of the past, but in reality I've learnt that the best things in life are free (cliche intended).
1. Money
Money was pretty tight, but only in London, can you have the budget of a pauper and live like a king. The elusive exclusivity of guestlists hook-ups, favours and knowing the "right people", meant that whether it was Mahiki or Madame Jojo's, we got in free, with drinks, ego and bank balance intact.
2. Music
Could we of had a better year for music?I doubt it. Oh and when I refer to music, I mean specifically black music, it's been a pretty poor year for Indie, and its various similar counterparts.
We had:
Any committed carnival goer knows, this was the song of the summer.
Drake, simply took over and gave we non-gangster hip-pop listeners, the biggest rebirth since J Dilla.
And soul's seems to be back in the fray, with this beautiful little gem from the Sa-Rah music company, listen and learn.
3. People ( women)
I will explain this as simply as possible, women of London, your'e all so freaking hot. The torture you women put us men through, as we lopsidedly stroll around town with never ending succession of semis, in a constant search for the mother of my children, seems to be beyond me.
With that in mind, added to my tactless use of the english language, explains why I am single, aided by a succession of clear and forthright rejections, but you know what, I love you all anyway.

So long London, till winter x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x
Friday, 3 September 2010
Das Racist - "Rainbow in the Dark" - SXSW 2010 Showcasing Artist
So funny, I like where rap's going.......
Monday, 9 August 2010
Saturday, 7 August 2010

The city is bitch the penniless peasantry but a bounty to the gent, honestly it seems as if £100 can be the difference between a gallant ego, or severe depression.
2. Don't be sober
When I watched the dour Spike Lee documentary "when the levees broke", a quote a I heard always resonated with me "drugs? Huh? Look at me, if I had drugs I would some em!", as crude as that statement was it really hit a nerve. With all my morale sobriety, I really wouldn't mind to get "fucked up" right now, and actually leave a little bitch called reality. Although I'm too much of a pussy so that won't happen.
3. Don't be alone
There is nothing worse than the unemployed, stirring in their own pity, and feeling sorry for themselves writing, pity party blogs and such. When you have friends (truly awesome friends) they force you to get out of your rut, enjoy life, and realise, hey, it's not that bad, your 19 shit isn't that real.

Seasons Greetings x x
Monday, 2 August 2010
Saturday, 17 July 2010
Thursday, 15 July 2010
The Day Flies Off Without Me
The planes bound for all points everywhere
etch lines on my office window. From the top floor
London recedes in all directions, and beyond:
the world with its teeming hearts.
I am still, you move, I am a point of reference on a map;
I am at zero meridian as you consume the longitudes.
The pact we made to read our farewells exactly
at two in the afternoon with you in the air
holds me like a heavy winter coat.
Your unopened letter is in my pocket, beating.
By John Stammers
Thanks The Clinic
The Revolution Will Not Be Televised......(Thank God)
Firstly, the passion not longer exists so explicitly in our community. We had the Toxteth and the various Brixton and Tottenham riots, the passion for extreme change seems a remnant of the past.
Secondly We never had black universities, and any form overt socialisation, and that of which did occur, is seen to be of a more subtle nature, than that of segregated America.
Thirdly the novel is very slow paced, and the underlying factor is the revolution never occurred in reality, the uprising some dreamed of, was meant by a peaceful and docile occurred instead, a of which we now called multiculturalism (Well kind of).
I have been unfairly harsh, but a man like Gil Scott Heron has a lot to live up to.
Tuesday, 15 June 2010
Cool, 4 Real
"He's so cool, prick!" Is the usual rhetoric of a day to day discussion of mine. This constant to and froing of what is cool, and entered and stayed into the lexis since the generation x and the beatnik movement, but what is the obsession? Also why all the different view of coolness, and why to we ( or maybe I) create personas to be socially, accepted or to be seen a cool, aloof. Maybe its Narcism, but whatever the case, it's been something resonant since childhood, and something that must be addressed.
Nathan Barley
This man is they epitome of all that is not cool, for his incessant attempts to be so, and yet, if you scour Shoreditch, for all of five minutes, you will find eons of his modern day clones. Now what does this tell you, it informs me that coolness is all about perception , and completely depends on the relative audience as to whether something is deemed cool, or not.
ENGERRLAAANNDDD (not only for the peasantry)
Falling prey to the bastions of the media, must be an English tradition. The frequent recalls of the "spirit of 66" and the return of football, sear though the heart of every Englishmen deluding them , once again that they can reach the pinnacle of footballing glory, and actually win something. I can give you three reasons, why this temporary cause of overt nationalism, is simply misplaced simply due to the fact, that we are not that good.
1. Its BEEN 55 YEARS!
2. We lost to NAZI's apparently..........
3. The Scottish are always right, when it comes to football.
Monday, 3 May 2010
Lilya 4 EVER
This dark brooding docu-drama easily equates to the best work, of the understated director Lukas Moodysson. Soviet bloc russia, in all its post- apocalyptic horror, homes a land bereft of hope, opportunity and overall love. Encased in this is the lead character of Lilya. A child born of a prostitute, her beginning is bleak, with her mother abandoning her for America, leaving her alone and destitute. In comes her saviour 11 year old Volodya, a rejected child who acts a shining light in this, soviet hell hole.
There is no remitting from the bleak world view, as Lilya who is 16 turns to prostitution to keep her and Volodya alive, only as we are lead to watch her slowly be drawn into sex trafficking, and when it didn't seem possible, she falls further down the slipperly slope, and slides into despair.
There is no redemption, which is a shockingly accurate, yet understated crtique on the East European sex trade.
Sunday, 25 April 2010
William Peskett
I was having a gander, and i came across this gem by William Peskett.
The noises that we make are quite predictable -
the mouse is so ill it can only judder
in its tiny pain.
You said it was so pretty and ran upstairs.
You must have heard the iron on the step,
the lifting of the dustbin lid.
And I was so shocked-
on my fingers the little shame of urine,
the silent bravery of blood.
Thanks The Clinic.
The reason why you're "that guy"
Have you always wondered why no one invites you to those "uber hip" parties? People generally find you strange to hang around? The only love you make is self induced? Why Family guy is "soooo fucking HIlarious"? That's because your'e that guy, and I'll give a clear check list so you make sure, you're not one of those hopeless souls.
1. You're not funny
"Yeah, I'd fuck a rabbit"
Deadpanning life does not replace a personality, and if your try to pull this off, everyone will think your either; rude or retarded. Please stick to Family Guy, with it's RaNdOm quotes, and genius biting social satire. Apart from the fact the T.V show yearns for the eighties, a decade we never knew, or really want to.
Tuesday, 20 April 2010
FeSitval MAdnesS
You live a pleasant, bohemian lifestyle in suburban Highbury and Islington have two young children listen to Jazz, and have a lassiez-faire attiude to drugs. You probably have loved Belle and Sebastian for years, and basically dropped a load when you found out they were headlining.
All in all your nice folk, but BEWARE, we east londoners are savvy, poor and morally asbsent creatures, and will promptly be breaking and entering your properties during that weekend
( I hope your weekend of weed and expressive dance was worth it).
The hunting ground for the Rah Rah lot. This overrated bundle of mud should be avoided at all cost, but like that genital warts infection, we kind of can't, so here it goes.
If you've been to Glastonbury since you were my age, I am very happy for you. I also do not give a flying fuck. Just because your old, doesn't mean I want to hear your aged stories,primarily as i envy the one about the threesome in the tent, yeah i know, its was totally different then, no aids blah blah blah. Thanks for that but remember this old fellow, nostalgia is only enjoyed when it's ones own, and i'd rather be creating my own story than listen to yours.
The number one cause of unplanned middle class teenage pregnancy.
If your from the south and are under 18, you need to go this one at least once. The potent mix of teenage revelry, sex and generally insanity, is a good one, and it's seems to be a bonding experience to all those who has steeped the weary journey, to the three day Armageddon which is Reading. All this is only true if your under twenty, around this age you realise that everyone at the festival is a twat, and setting fire to someones tent isn't funny, it's a prick move.
That rant was hugely self indulgent, but the crux of it is that festivals for we young are not only a weekend away, but also a rite of passage for many, so if go if you can, but if your pushing 25 please stop.
Sunday, 28 March 2010
Mr Miyazaki We Pay Homage......

The Waltz Disney of the east, Hayao Miyazaki has for too long been ignored by western eyes. A man who has personally drawn and supervised all of his feature films ( a claim Waltz Disney could never adhere to), is surely the greatest Anime director/director period of all time. His exuberant take on life and his odd penchant for Lynch-like fatalism makes him a perfect candidate for scenester adoration. The pimp daddy has produced many cult classics, from My Neighbour Totoro to Princess Monoke( google now). But a must watch is "Spirited Away".
Commonly quoted as one the greatest anime flicks ever, the use of colour, traditional Japanese mysticism and good old fashioned good versus evil, makes this movie a must see. Although if you want a movie your less alien to, try "Howls Moving Castle", a western novel based on humorous wizardly, it entails an all star cast of Christian Bale, Jean Simmons and Emily Mortimer. (Emily's father is an fascinating character, read his books!)
Basically, if you don't know, get to know.
M.F Hussian, A Genius or A Traitior?
This man, has achieved more than you can ever dream of. Known as "India Greatest Living Artist", he revolutionized art forever. Born during the the first world war, he is a man accustom to conflict and has placed into exile numerous times.
A motherless child from the age of one, he found comfort in art, and the acclaimed "J.J School of Art"in India, where he began to make a name for himself, through cartoons and cinema boardings. It was during his trips to Europe, where he made his millions, and was later quoted by TIME magazine as "the Picasso of India" by the 60's he was a key player, finding yet more acclaim with his film, "Through The Eyes Of A Painter". Recently, he has been projected back into the media limelight because of a piece called the "Raping Of India", in which it is a pastiche of the raging bulls of Pamplona, but curtailed with an India perspective. The piece of ART has caused mass hysteria and was simply a mirror to the social change occurring in India, not a base view of India society.
Sorry, e
ver heard of freedom of speech?
Sorry, e
Saturday, 27 March 2010
What I Iz Reading.

(Sarah Kane)
Well, being the bereft social retard I am, I often find solace in the comfort of books. And a certain book has recently caught my attention, namely in Anton Chekov's a Collection of short stories. After the advice from an acclaimed writer to "go back the classics" I found that discovering classics that were genuinely enjoyable was is bit like wading through feces to find a diamond, except the feces had long Russian names, which were often quoted by faux intelligent hipsters (i.e me). The Bronte family are well versed, but fecking boring, unless love stories with no sex and with rapey disjointed men sends your heart racing. "On The Road" by Jack Kerouac, is interesting at best, plot-less at worst, drugs are cool, i get it, now fuck off back to San Fransisco.
But in Chekov, I found beauty and form in the prose, the judgement of rich and poor and a seemingly apathetic view of the relationships, forcing a empathetic emotional connection to his work. While reading the story beggar, I saw parallels with Sarah Kane's play 4.49 psychosis and the so called "In ya FAAACEE" nineties period of theatre, informing the ignorant that raw emotion are not solely emitted from the working youth, but are apparently a class wide phenomenon.
P.S John Updike is the world's, best perv, read his shit, who ever thought suburban middle class bonking could be so jokes.
P.S John Updike is the world's, best perv, read his shit, who ever thought suburban middle class bonking could be so jokes.
Mickey What?
Ok, so you all know The Cool Kids right, their oh so ironic stance on hip-pop is semi-cool, semi annoying, but mostly they're talentless fuckwits. These annoyances granted, they're still pretty dope, and so is a less well known counterpart, namely Mickey Factz. An ex para-legal, this member of the intelligentsia has managed to create something the Cool Kids could not, genuine music. His world view is open and educated, and is a welcome change to the general, "we're so freeking AWEsomeeee" of most hip pop. We found another Lupe.
The Beginning......
BLOG. This is where you can hear the dribble i think and where i add vaguely interesting insights into music, art and fashion. By the way, for a "real deal hollyfield"guide to fashion, check out this bitch!
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