Thursday 16 September 2010

Aberdeen Fashion Making Movements

For to long now, Aberdeen has been in the fashion doldrums but for no longer! We now how have our fashion society, headed by Stephanie O' Dowd and backed by the sensational Dazed And Confused magazine and HMV.


If you want to get involved (you should Dazed's involved) email:

Till next time x x x

Wednesday 15 September 2010

Wednesday 8 September 2010

London I Love You But You Fucked Me Up.

(Yeah I was very drunk, but, hey it's london.)

Summer, like all things, seems to better in retrospect. After spending the past three months, wondering where my money went in the first month, I seem to be a professional in dreaming of the past, but in reality I've learnt that the best things in life are free (cliche intended).

1. Money

Money was pretty tight, but only in London, can you have the budget of a pauper and live like a king. The elusive exclusivity of guestlists hook-ups, favours and knowing the "right people", meant that whether it was Mahiki or Madame Jojo's, we got in free, with drinks, ego and bank balance intact.

2. Music

Could we of had a better year for music?I doubt it. Oh and when I refer to music, I mean specifically black music, it's been a pretty poor year for Indie, and its various similar counterparts.

We had:
Any committed carnival goer knows, this was the song of the summer.

Drake, simply took over and gave we non-gangster hip-pop listeners, the biggest rebirth since J Dilla.
And soul's seems to be back in the fray, with this beautiful little gem from the Sa-Rah music company, listen and learn.
3. People ( women)

I will explain this as simply as possible, women of London, your'e all so freaking hot. The torture you women put us men through, as we lopsidedly stroll around town with never ending succession of semis, in a constant search for the mother of my children, seems to be beyond me.

With that in mind, added to my tactless use of the english language, explains why I am single, aided by a succession of clear and forthright rejections, but you know what, I love you all anyway.

So long London, till winter x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x

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